About eCash.v3 and eCash.v4

A Cashcard Application for Windows platform


Major Changes for each eCash.v3 and eCash.v4 releases

v3.3.0.16 / v4.0.1.3

1) Bug fix for eCash.v4 where deselection of records, did not result in adjustment of the total calculation. This only happens if a display refresh has not been executed.
2) Added support for new Contactless Reader for eCash.v4.
3) Improved display scaling for eCash.v3 for higher resolution monitor/display screen.
4) Added the latest ECD.dll into this release packages.

Changes in ECD.dll includes:
1) Added more merchants names to the merchant list library.

v3.3.0.15 / v4.0.1.2

Improved pop-up messages to make it reader friendly. Updated the latest ECD.dll into this release packages.
Changes in ECD.dll includes adding more merchants names to the merchant list library.

Note that from this version onward, the apps will no longer run on Windows XP.

v3.3.0.14 / v4.0.0.11

No major fix. Release is more for the purpose of updating the latest ECD.dll into these release packages. 
Changes in ECD.dll includes:
1) Updated gantry identification with respect to changes by LTA.
2) Updated/added a new transaction type and more merchants names to the merchant list library.


1) Added a new Transaction Definition Type for TopUp (#130). Adjusted TopUp radio button display and TopUp calculation.
2) Modified registration message to make additional request for copy of purchase receipt.
3) Updated/added a new transaction type and more merchants names to the merchant list through the updated ECD.DLL library.


1) Modification to Device Authentication function due to changes done by manufacturer.
2) Perform auto sort by Date to improve viewing experience.
3) Updated/added a new transaction type and more merchants names to the merchant list through the updated ECD.DLL library.

v3.3.0.12 / v4.0.0.10

1) Fix for record sorting problem relating to selection of "Others" radio button where all records will disappear from screen.
2) Fix export function to store records in CSV file without skipping a line.
3) Improve error messages to be more meaningful when encountering errors.
4) Updated/added a new transaction type and more merchants names to the merchant list through the updated ECD.DLL library.

v3.3.0.11 / v4.0.0.9

1) Fix for items selection function:
    - update real-time the Total Expense field whenever a record is selected or unselected. This will ensure that this field is updated when the view is sent for printing.
    - set the default setting to "select all records" whenever the field header is clicked for the sorting purposes. Otherwise when the view is sent for printing without any selection, no record will be printed.
2) Updated/added more merchants to the merchant list through new ECD.DLL version.
3) Updated ERP gantry names as per changes at one.motoring.

v3.3.0.10 / v4.0.0.7

Major enhancements:
1) Enhancement #1 - Allow selection of individual record for printing purposes. (by popular request)
2) Enhancement #2 - Auto screen scaling support for up to 200% enlargement.(96 dpi to 192 dpi) (by popular request)
3) Enhancement #3 - Improvement on export function where records already exist are not re-written again. This only work if original csv file is not modified.
4) Updated/added more merchants to the merchant list through new ECD.DLL version.


1) Bug fix for balance value in a situation where there is another smartcard apprunning and trying to access the same card. The collision of which is not handled by eCash and ends up grabing left over data from a previous process.

v3.3.0.8 / v4.0.0.6

1) Bug fix for variable type mismatch which sometime causes the Balance and ERP Gantry decoding to encounter error.
2) Increased the list of Merchant names that can be decoded (ECD.DLL).
3) Stop providing two different variant of eCash application by just releasing the compiled XP version which works on all currently available Windows platforms.

v3.3.0.7 and v3.3.0.7xp / v4.0.0.5

Fix for a bug that was created when in v3.3.0.6.
This bug will cause the time (hours/min/secs) to be wrongly reported when it goes beyond 1800 hours.


This release is for those who are still using WinXP or older Windows OS. No new changes in this version.

v3.3.0.6  / v4.0.0.4

Major Changes includes:
1) Improved printer scaling.
   (still not perfect but should make more people happy)
2) Make error messages more User Friendly with suggestions on possible fix.
3) Fixed a bug in the Total TopUps and Total Expense calculation.
   (bug shows up only when you have values of $100 or greater)
4) Implemented Merchant Code interpretation.
   (This is an on-going build-up on the database of merchant code which
   will be handled within the ECD.DLL library file. Do check for this library
   update every now and then on the support page.)